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Custom DOM Events

When the chart loads and with each frame change (date change), a custom DOM event is fired.

Listening to these events allows getting the current state of the chart and can be used with chart controls to interact with the chart. See the example for creating a slider.

  • Event type:
    • "dateChange": fires when the date changes.
    • "firstDate": fires when the current date is the first date in the dataset.
    • "lastDate": fires when the current date is the last date in the dataset.
    • "play": fires when the chart starts running.
    • "pause": fires when the chart is paused.
  • Event target: The container DOM element.
  • Event bubbling: true
  • The detail property is an object that has the following properties:
    • date: string. A string representation of the current date in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'.
    • isFirstDate: boolean. The value is true if the current date is the first date in the dataset, else false.
    • isLastDate: boolean. The value is true if the current date is the last date in the dataset, else false.
    • isRunning: boolean. The value is true if the chart is running, else false.
    • allDates: string[]. An array of strings, containing all unique dates in the dataset sorted in ascending order (formatted as 'YYYY-MM-DD').


import { race } from 'racing-bars';

const racer = await race('/data/population.csv', '#race', { dataType: 'csv' });

document.addEventListener('dateChange', (e) => {


In addition to custom DOM events, the API also allows registering callback functions in response to certain events. (See on and onDate methods)