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This page is an overview and a guide for usage.

The API TypeScript definitions are documented here.



This function loads data from url.


  • URL: string

    The URL of data to load.

  • type: "json" | "csv" | "tsv" | "xml"

    The type of the loaded data. The default is "json"


It returns a promise that resolves to the loaded data.


racingBars.loadData('/data/population.csv', 'csv').then((data) => {
// use `data`


This is the main function that generates the racing bar chart.


  • data: Data[] | WideData[] | Promise<Data[]> | Promise<WideData[]> | string

    This represents the data for the chart. This can be an array of data item objects or a promise that resolves to it. The shape of data item objects is described in the "Data" section.

    A URL to a file containing the data can also be used. This file can be JSON, CSV, TSV or XML (see the option dataType)

  • container: HTMLElement | string

    The chart container HTML element or a string representing a CSS selector for it. If not provided, a new <div> element is created, added to the document <body> and used. Note that any content inside that element will be deleted before embedding the chart.

  • options: Options

    An optional configuration object for chart options. The options are documented in the "Options" section


The function returns a promise that resolves to an object that allows interaction with the chart, with the following methods:

play () => void

Starts running the chart.

pause () => void

Pauses the chart at the current date.

toggle () => void

toggles play/pause.

skipBack () => void

Stops the chart and sets the date to the first date.

skipForward () => void

Stops the chart and sets the date to the last date.

inc (value = 1) => void

Goes forwards by the specified number of dates.

dec (value = 1) => void

Goes backwards by the specified number of dates.

getDate () => string

Returns a string representation of the current date in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'.

setDate (date: string | Date) => void

Accepts a date as a string (e.g. 'YYYY-MM-DD') or a JavaScript date object, and sets the current date.

getAllDates () => string[]

Returns as array of strings, containing all unique dates in the dataset sorted in ascending order (formatted as 'YYYY-MM-DD').

isRunning () => boolean

Returns true if the chart is running, otherwise returns false.

select (name: string) => void

Selects the bar with the supplied name. This occurs by adding the CSS class "selected". See the option selectBars

unselect (name: string) => void

Unselects the bar with the supplied name. This occurs by removing the CSS class "selected". See the option selectBars

unselectAll () => void

Unselects all bars. Removes the CSS class "selected" from all bars. See the option selectBars

hideGroup (group: string) => void

Hides the group with the supplied name. See the option showGroups

showGroup (group: string) => void

Shows the group with the supplied name if it was hidden. See the option showGroups

showOnlyGroup (group: string) => void

Hides all groups except the one with the supplied name. See the option showGroups

showAllGroups () => void

Shows all groups. See the option showGroups

changeOptions (options: Options) => Promise<void>

Changes chart options during runtime. The method accepts a configuration object for chart options with the same properties as the original options object. Properties in the new options object will override the current options.

The options dataShape and dataType cannot be changed. Trying to change these will result in throwing an error.


(event: EventType, fn: (tickDetails: TickDetails) => void) => { remove: () => void }

Registers a callback function to be called when an event occurs.

The event type can be one of the following:

  • "dateChange": fires when the date changes.
  • "firstDate": fires when the current date is the first date in the dataset.
  • "lastDate": fires when the current date is the last date in the dataset.
  • "play": fires when the chart starts running.
  • "pause": fires when the chart is paused.

The callback function receives an object with the following properties:

  • date: string. A string representation of the current date in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'.
  • isFirstDate: boolean. The value is true if the current date is the first date in the dataset, else false.
  • isLastDate: boolean. The value is true if the current date is the last date in the dataset, else false.
  • isRunning: boolean. The value is true if the chart is running, else false.
  • allDates: string[]. An array of strings, containing all unique dates in the dataset sorted in ascending order (formatted as 'YYYY-MM-DD').

The on method returns an object with a single remove method that unregisters the callback function.


(date: string | Date, fn: (tickDetails: TickDetails) => void) => { remove: () => void }

Registers a callback function to be called when a specified date is the current date. The callback function receives an object with the following properties:

date, isFirstDate, isLastDate, isRunning, allDates (see on for details).

The onDate method returns an object with a single remove method that unregisters the callback function.

destroy () => void

This destroys the chart and cleans up associated event listeners. After calling this method, any calls to the chart object methods throws an error.


import { race } from 'racing-bars';

const options = {
dataType: 'csv',
title: 'Chart title',

const racer = await race('/data/population.csv', '#race', options);

console.log(racer.getDate()); // "1960-01-01";
console.log(racer.getDate()); // "1961-01-01";
console.log(racer.getDate()); // "1971-01-01"

console.log(racer.getDate()); // "1966-01-01"

console.log(racer.getDate()); // "2021-01-01"

console.log(racer.getDate()); // "1960-01-01"

console.log(racer.getAllDates()); // ["1960-01-01", ..., "2021-01-01"]

racer.changeOptions({ title: 'Updated title!' });

setTimeout(() => {
racer.destroy();; // Error: Cannot perform this operation after calling destroy()
}, 5000);

See the guide on Chart Controls for other alternatives of controlling charts. See the examples for Slider and Scroller for usage examples.





