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Sponsor 💚

Thank you for considering becoming a sponsor of RacingBars!

RacingBars is a feature-rich and easy-to-use javascript library for racing bar charts. It is released under the permissive MIT License, which allows unrestricted use and redistribution even for commercial purposes.

Please consider sponsoring the project to support its maintenance and continued development. In return, you will receive recognition as a sponsor on the documentation website, GitHub repo and social media channels, as well as the opportunity to engage with our community of users and contributors.

There are several ways to support RacingBars as a sponsor:

Financial Contributions

RacingBars relies on the support of sponsors like you to fund its ongoing development and maintenance. Your financial contribution will help to ensure that the project remains sustainable in the long term.

Payments can be done via:

If you have questions, please reach out.

In-kind Contributions

Do you have a service or a product that could be useful to the project? We welcome in-kind contributions that can help to support the project and its users.

In-kind contributors are recognized (logo and name) in the credits page and in the README of hatemhosny/racing-bars.

Marketing and Promotion

Help us to spread the word about RacingBars by sharing our content on your social media channels, writing blog posts about RacingBars or by providing us with promotional opportunities.

Thank you 💚