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Bar Colors

Default Colors

By default, each bar is given a unique color. If groups are shown, bars in the same group will have the same color.

The color assignment is consistent (every time the chart loads, each bar name gets the same color).

If the dataset contains a lot of names (or groups), the bar colors may start becoming near each other.

This default behavior can be changed in different ways.

Change Default Colors

The colorSeed option can be used to change default colors. This causes shuffling the names/groups before being assigned to colors. The same seed guarantees the assignment to same color.

Example: view in gallery

import { race } from 'racing-bars';

const options = {
colorSeed: 42,

race('/data/population.json', '#race', options);

Random Colors

To set bar colors randomly, assign colorSeed option to a random value (e.g. Math.round(Math.random() * 100)).

Example: view in gallery

import { race } from 'racing-bars';

const options = {
colorSeed: Math.round(Math.random() * 100), // random number between 0-100

race('/data/population.json', '#race', options);

Custom Color Palettes

If an array is passed to the colorMap option, it will be used as a color palette. Note that if the number of data item names/groups are larger than the array length, the colors will be repeated.

The colors can be color names (e.g "red"), hex codes (e.g. "#ff0000") or RGB codes (e.g. "rgb(255, 0, 0)").

Example: view in gallery

import { race } from 'racing-bars';

const palette = [

const options = {
colorMap: palette,

race('/data/population.json', '#race', options);

Set Colors of Specific Bars

If an object is passed to the colorMap option, it will be used to map specific bar names/groups to colors. The object does not have to include all names. The other bars will get the default colors. Note that names are case-sensitive.

This example uses an object to map specific names to colors: view in gallery

import { race } from 'racing-bars';

const countryColors = {
India: 'orange',
'United States': 'blue',

const options = {
colorMap: countryColors,

race('/data/population.json', '#race', options);

This example uses an object to map group colors: view in gallery

import { race } from 'racing-bars';

const continentColors = {
Asia: 'yellow',
Europe: 'green',

const options = {
colorMap: continentColors,
showGroups: true,

race('/data/population.json', '#race', options);

Notice that if groups are shown (showGroups is set to true, and the dataset has the field group), colorMap option affects group colors, otherwise it affects name colors, but not both.

Use Colors from Dataset

If data item objects in the dataset have the optional field color, this will be used by default.